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Executive Summary: Report on Truancy and Dropout Prevention

In thi site you will be able to find some of the reasons that lead to truancy in the U.S, what are the effects of traucny in the lives of not only those who are truant but their family members as well, in adition to this you will be able to find out what the legal department is doing to help, how schools are taking action to avoid this issue to get out of hand, and how the community must be involved as well.


TASB Legal Services: Snapshot Truancy Guide for the 2015- 16 School Year.

Here you will be able to find out what are the laws regarding truancy.

Some exceptions that apply, what are the consequences for being truant, the changes that have taken place and the education codes they fall under.

Combating Truancy: A Family Lives Report


thyis article contains some case studies done on truancy in the U.K. in addition to this there are charts with useful information, facts, statements from truant students, and the impact this has not only on the schools, and stundents that are truant but also the effect it has on the families and the community it self.

Besides the articles given in the class, in this sheet I will give you more information for you to research the topic. 

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